On Thursday, December 2nd I started filming with my group. Finding days to start the filming process was extremely difficult for my group. I have work on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. So, my group and I could not film the sunset at the beach on the weekend. Aja has volunteer work on Monday and Wednesday, and work on Friday. Ashley has to go on Tuesday's to Lacrosse practice and works on Wednesday's. With my schedule I could have filmed any day during Monday-Thursday. However, my other team members had the exact opposite schedule from me. On the weekend I only had Saturday and Sunday mornings available. My group and I decided to film the sunset at the beach on Thursday as that was the only night everyone had available. The first scene shot was the over the shoulder shot of me looking out the window to the sunset on the beach. There were some difficulties that came along the way of shooting this scene. One was that Aja had to drive slower than usual and find an opening in...